The first time my script ran, it failed, and I didn't know why. My boss wisely suggested that I add some logging: print messages to standard output. We were a PHP shop, so that meant echo statements; all this output was captured in a log file by the cron job, which ran my script like this:
query_runner.php > some_log_file.txt
I went crazy with the logging, announcing up front how many queries I had to run, my progress ("Running query 4 of 7..."), how long each query took, whether it had errors, etc. At the end I printed a nice summary.
All this made the log files very useful when something went wrong: I could tell which queries had and hadn't run, and generally why. I learned the value of logging, and that day, I became a man.
No wait, I'm confusing my stories. I just learned the value of logging, that's all.
Execute Around
Anywho, these days I'm coding Ruby, and I'm currently reading "Eloquent Ruby" by Russ Olsen. In one section, he shows a nice way of adding logging to any method you like, without cluttering up the internals of the method itself.
The secret is the "execute around" pattern: you pass your method, as a block, to another method, which can do things before and after executing it. In this case, the logging method will log a message, execute the block, log another message, and even catch and log any exceptions.
Here's an example:
module Logging def with_log(description, &block) begin puts "==== #{} ====" puts "About to execute '#{description}'..." puts "Executed '#{description}' successfully." rescue Exception => e puts "Error while executing '#{description}': '#{e.message}'!" ensure puts "\n\n" end end end class DangerBox include Logging def defuse_bomb with_log('defuse_bomb') {puts "Snip the red wire..."} end def throw_error with_log('throw_error') do puts 'I feel an error coming on...' raise 'Success: an error!' end end end
Here's what it looks like in action:
d = d.defuse_bomb # ==== Fri Jun 10 16:41:54 -0400 2011 ==== # About to execute 'defuse_bomb'... # Snip the red wire... # Executed 'defuse_bomb' successfully. d.throw_error # ==== Fri Jun 10 16:41:54 -0400 2011 ==== # About to execute 'throw_error'... # I feel an error coming on... # Error while executing 'throw_error': 'Success: an error!'!
Lovely! All the logging and error handling is done in one place, and the methods that use it can be much cleaner.