For example, suppose you're going to use the Javascript Date class in a web page to do some time calculations. Do you:
- Write some code, save the file, reload the page, look at the results, and repeat?
- Open a Javascript console (like Chome Developer Tools or Firebug) and experiment?
Other ways you can get feedback faster include:
- To learn more about Git, create a temporary folder and a dummy project: mkdir ~/test; cd ~/test; git init; echo 'hello' > test.txt; git add .; git commit -m"first"; Now you can experiment: branch and merge, rebase, and whatever else you want to try without fear of screwing up a real project. When you're satisfied, just delete that folder.
- If you're thinking of adding a command to one of your runtime configuration files, like .bashrc or .vimrc, run the command directly first and see what it does.
- Take the time to make your automated tests run faster: you'll be more likely to run them often and less likely to lose focus when you do.